Creating a whole new dimension to your music experience! Streaming av musikk har ikke vært spesielt lukrativt for hverken artister, plateselskap eller streaming-tjenester. Our new and exciting music format lets you adjust every instrument to your. It lets you interact, play and discover songs in a way you have never done before.
Step inside music with oiid – a new way of interacting with the songs you love, through original. Les Bergensavisen i uker for KUN kr! Oiid er navnet på den nye applikasjonen skapt av det bergensbaserte selskapet MusIT – Music .
Step inside music with oiid - A brand new way of interacting with the songs you love, through original multi-track . A brand new way of interacting with the songs you love, through original multi-track recordings. An Oiid Music title is more than just music, it's a media content bundle that includes multiple tracks as well as a corresponding music video, and .